Sunday, 30 October 2011

Sunday Morning.

Perfectly Cloudy Morning.

Sedang menunggu nasi kerabu dari Pekan Sehari. huhuhu.:p Lambat betoi la Umi n Baba balik, perut sude lapar! Pagi nie langit belum terang lagi aku da sedar tidor. Puas berguling tp tak mo tdo smule. Rugi woo...time2 mendung macam nie mmg syok tido. Tapi ape kan daye bukan, mate tak bole dipakse. Last2 tercongok jgk depan PC nih.

Tak tau nak type ape sebenarnye nih..Bosan sangat weh! Skunk da tak sibuk sangat. So most of the time, spending on DL K-Drama, K-Variety Show and watching them!LOL! Sungguh bermalasan. Tapi lepas 2 minggu dop mengadap, skunk da mule rase cuak!huhuhu.:p

Ape pun misi DL tetap diteruskan. Misson utk penuhkan HDD 1 Tera/Trillion nih! [Dibeli secara xsengaja] Ape gune ade ruang simpanan besar kalo xgune, kan? Dulu mase HDD capacity around 80GB-250GB DL sampai corrupt HD!Kakaka~~

Ah, Kalau nak tahu aku DL gune ape, bole je nak kongsi. Aku DL guna Real Player je. Dulu slalu gune IDM [Internet Download Manager], sebab laju sket Mase tu pakai streamyx 512kb jek]. Pakai RP nie mmg kekadang lembab even aku gn 4mb punye streamyx, tapi kalo pepagi gini mmg laju la DL. Ape pun xkesah lah asalkan bole DL, ape2 software pon okeh!:)

Aku nak g uma Umi, nak tunggu Nasi Kerabu!Yeay!:p. Selamat Makan Sume!^____^

Loves. Hugs. Kisses

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Pelik aje title entry nih..Kosong?

Aihhh..itu la perasaan yang tengah ade dalam ati nih. Empty-Kosong. Ah, plus mengantuk!huhuhu.:P

Aku punye TDL da stat nak penuh semula. Tapi xpe la, aku pun da rehat seminggu lebih lepas all out bt kerja awal bulan baru ni. So it's time to work again. Harus hapuskan habit suke tangguh keje, menyusahkan diri sendiri 10x di kemudian hari. Aihhh~~~Old Habit Die Hard!

Esok aku kn pg Kuantan with Baba, ambil Modem, submit and receive some doc. There is a bit prob with TM since last month. We're now waiting for offer letter utk sambung kontrak. Well, i do believe we will get to sign the contract soon, insyallah kalau masih ade rezeki kami.

It's already Thursday..waiting for EMAIL!!^___^

But now, got to sleep, i have to wake up early tomorrow [Ah, btw, about the determination for change...i am now sleep before the sun rise! ^_^] #Change my sleep and wake up time. CHECK!


Monday, 10 October 2011


Ye, aku kembali di sini~~

Finally i get myself a room to breath. Setelah 2 minggu more than half of TDL aku telah di lifted up! Alhamdullilah, yang penting2 sume da siap, tinggal la yang kecik2 aje. Boleh la buat sket2 lepas nih..xdek ape yang nak dikejarkan.

So ape aktiviti aku dalam 2 minggu ni? Kerja la wei..kakaka~~Sungguh fortune my lil sis balik cuti sem, so with her help everything were submit on time! Kalau aku bt sorang mmg menagis la xtdo 5 hari 5 malam! Uri Dongseng, kamsamnida! Domo sarangamnida!:P 

Ah, plus..last week, aku tibe2 dapat tau yang aku nie ade, allergic? Begini ceritanya, weekend yang lepas,  aku gatal2 di ibujari kaki. Perghhh...gatal yang xdapat nak dicerita, aku penah kn "ge-ga-te"  sebut satu2 ye!LOL! [ah, xtau  name scientific nye] Kegatalan yang bt nek ruam yang berjangkit satu badan tuh. Kalau korang penah kena pasti tau bertapa miang nye perasaan itu! Tapi gatal tuh, masih acceptable tapi gatal yang aku alami minggu lepas, 10x lebih dr itu. Aku rase kalo org potong ibujari pon xrase ape. Aku pg la farmasi beli ubat cream utk tahan gatal.. 

Mase tu kat pangkal celah ibujari aku ade biji2 macam ruam. Pas kulit kat bawah kuku ibu jari kaki aku agak mengeras. Both area are extremely-helly-itchy! Macam2 aku buat, rendam kaki dalam air panas la, air batu la, air garam la, mengharap gatal itu berkurangan. Lepas aku sapu cream yang aku beli tu, kegatalan dapat dibendung, tapi saket hati pulak tengok kulit kaki mengeras. 

Mende ni mungkin akan terus selesai kalau aku pg spital, tapi ape kan daya, there is a lil "girl" inside me who really hate to go to hospital and seeing doctors! :P. Hahaha~~itu lah kenyataanye..i will celeb my 27th besday in a couple of months, but...aihhh~~my embarrassing complex ~

So dipendekkan cite, aku pun jadi la doktor sendiri, lepas reda gatal kat kaki 2, terpikir pulak nak isi minyak Afiat [botol bulat warna hijau tuh] konon nak kaci kulit yang mengeras kat ibujari kaki tu lembut. Aku pon sapu la sket, and urut kat affected area. Tau ape jadi???Something ugly! Lepas ke letak minyak, aku rase kat affected area tuh BURNING. YE, rase panas yang amat [padahal minyak afiat tu bkn myk panas pon] 

Dipangkal celah ibu jari kaki aku ade biji2 ruam. Sejurus aje selepas itu, bintik2 ruam tadi jadi gelembung! Tau kan, kalau kt kn minyak panas or air panas kat kulit, ianya akan mengelembung xlama pas tu kan? Gelembung ini jg same macam tu, tapi kalernye merah gile macam penuh dgn darah. [luckily, aku xrase nak bt bijak, dgn mencucuk gelembung itu!]:P. 

Yang peliknye lagi, gelembung tu xsaket, tapi GATAL GILE disekitarnye! So aku pon tunjuk la kat family aku, my brother ajak p spital [ok, tu da bt aku seram] , aku kate tunggu esok la, aku nak p klinik aje. huhuhuhu~~aku xlarat nak tunggu 5jam tuk jmpe doc kat spital. [alasan!]

Umi aku kate, aku kn g cepat sbb takot aku kn diabetics. What?? DIABETICS? Keh, umi telah jump ke conclusion yang paling kronik! Mentang2la aku xtra siza, suke2 die jek! Dapat bayangkan tak, mcm mane rupe gelembung tuh, smpi umi aku kate aku mngkn kn diabetics? It's totally uglyyy!

So esoknye, aku p la jmpe Doktor Marzuki. [Kilinik kat depan uma aku nih] Itu lah 1st time aku dgr yang aku nie ade alahan. Tapi xtau alahan ape. Sebab aku makan makanan yang aku sentiase makan, dan aku xkemane2 pon dalam 2 minggu ni, cm ade di rumah. Doktor kate, gelembung kat kaki aku tu adalah daging yang membengkak akibat allergic [thank god i'm not poking my own meat!]LOL! 

Aku siap tanye doc lagi, "Doktor, mmg xdek ape2 ye kaki saye ni?" [khuatir akan diabetics] doktor jawab "Ish, xdek ape2 la, lepas sapu ubat oke la nanti". Jadi case closed utk DIABETICS! lol!
So lepas makan ubat gatal, and sapu cream yang doc bagi, bengkak dah surut, kulit yang keras dah soften semule dan tidak gatal2 lagi. Alhamdullilah~~

So moral of the story  : 
1. Sila jumpe doktor jika anda tahu anda xboleh nak ubatkan sakit anda .
2. Sila JANGAN buat bijak, jika anda bukan doktor atau org yang tau pasal medical.
3. Sila atasi hospital's phobia anda!LOL:P

GTG..perut lapar pule. Ah, mmg cpt lapar time hujan2 nie. Mase aku tgh syok type entry nih, hujan mmg lebat gile, nie da kurang sket, tapi masih lagi hujan. Guruh pon kuat lagi. Agaknye musim tengkujuh suda mau datang...^_^. Saya suka hujan. [Saya jg suka Rain] lol. :P

Loves.Hugs.Kisses. & Rain <3!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Trouble Is A Friend

By Lenka

Recently this song capture my ears. The melody somehow kinda vintage and old school. Ah, I don't know how to describe..but i like it!^_^

Here, a lil details of her [Thank to Mr Wiki!]

Birth nameLenka Kripac
Also known asLenka
Born19 March 1978 (age 33)
New South Wales, Australia
OriginSydney, Australia
GenresPop, indie pop
OccupationsSinger, songwriter, actress
InstrumentsPiano, trumpet
Years activeSince 2008
LabelsSony MusicEpic Records
Associated actsDecoder Ring

Click here for more details 

YTube MV

With Lyrics

Live Performance [Un-Shacky-Cam] lol :p

Loves. Hugs. Kisses

Heavy Belly..Heavy feelings..=


Ye..mate nie mengantuk jek, baru aje pukol 8 lebih. Ini la akibatnye makan terlajak lebih. Brunh tgh hari td nasi lemak ayam goreng sepinggan penuh. Petang tadi plak, kua jap pegi cash duit, mahu transfer untuk beli walkie-talkie. Sempat jugak singgah kat e-station beli Special Sushi, lbh kurang 10 inchi panjang [lupe plak nak mik pic, sampai uma ptg tadi terus je sumbat dalam perut!huhuhu] . Tidak ckp dengan itu, melantak lagi keropok RM2 + karipap RM1 + 2 kotak air Chrysanthemum. Bon apetie! Bruppppp~~~Alhamdullilah!^_^ [No Dinner Tonight~~Please la jaja!!!!T_T]

Bile perut da kenyang, badan, jiwa, raga, perasaan tibe2 jadik berat. Kerja masih lagi melambak nak kn buat. Adehhh...cite sal keje nih, hati xberape nak best. Banyak mende harus dirisaukan. Ah, i have to put aside those prob for a while. Yang penting aku kn siapkan claim yang xsiap2 lagi tuh. Cepat anta claim cepat la dapat duit. Bile dapat duit, prob yang skunk terase berat, later boleh jadi sedikit ringan!Kekekeke~~ 

There is old saying that money cant buy all the thing in this world, i agree. But...yes there is a but, now day TOO much things we can buy with money. Even love! hehehe~~ Most of the things skunk nie sume boleh disukat dan dijual. Contohnye? Banyak...anda fikir lah sendiri..^_^. Nasib baik la udara xboleh sukat, kalau x bayangkan la masing2 sentiase ade tong oxygen kat atas belakang, kalau xmampu nak topup oxygen? Nauzibllah, semoga xdek la sampai macam tu ye..^___^. 

Aihhh...ape la yang aku bebelkan nih, tibe2 memikirkan masalah yang complicated ! :p...Semangat ade 20% jek nak buat keje nih. Tp ms layan 1n2d [Korean Variety Show] tadi, xdek la mengantuk gine...berdekah2 jua tergelak! ~_~..Ari nie da 27.09.11, another 4 days, Gaji!!!!Uhhh, bukan gaji aku..tapi gaji staffs. Harus buat kire2 awal, kalau tak, mule la kelam kabut. Hajat nak beli software UBS @ SQL masih belum tercapai. Ape pun harus buat settle claim dulu, take a step at time!^_^. Semangat Oh semangat...kembali la kepade ku~~~~~

[No Dinner For Tonight~~Please la jaja!!!!u gained too much, fat girl!!!T_T]

Loves. Hugs. Kisses

Friday, 23 September 2011

3 am in the morning.

Ye..aku bangun pukul 3 utk kali pertamenye untuk bt keje.^_^.  Skunk da pkol 6.00 am, time blaja dulu pon aku xpnh bangun pepagi gni!huhuhu..

Aku kat KL time TM staff called aku tadi. Sampai uma around 10 pm. Masuk bilik 11 pm, ingat nak buat terus, but my body say, Oh, NO! So tido dulu, n bangun semule kol 3 am tadi. 3 hours straight dop mengire, and settle ! Huhuhu..kalo ade yang salah tuh, kire let it pass je la.kekeke~~

Semalam di KL, kemarin di Kuantan. Penat lebih pulak, kalau pegi sebab kerja. Tsk..tsk..tsk, bad mindset nih! TDL aku masih lagi banyak yang xsettle. Kalau yang lama settle 3 perkara, esok akan tambah lagi 5 pekara. Bile mau abez? So TDL for life la ye. ^_^

Apepun, xkesah la banyak kj tapi yang penting umi da balik, last Tuesday. YEAY!!! Muahahaha! Gembire betul rasa dalam hati ni. ^_____________^. Oh, i love umi so much! :)

Adehhh..tadi rase macam banyak mende jek nak type, tapi mate nih tetibe jek rase pedih2 ~_~. Harus tido dulu nampaknye!^_^..GTG, Nig...erkk.. Morning all!^_^


Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Last Day!

Weeeee.....Aku gembire dgn statement itu!!^_^

A few more hours, umi will arrive @ KTM Mentakab, so my baby-sitting day will over! Sungguh gembire aku!Kekekeke~~ Selepas dapat 2x "gifts" from my sis, aku terbungkam tdo macam orang pengsan malam tadi, mental n physical exhausted!

So morals of the merely one week without a woman i call UMI is "Cant live without her". Erk..over kah statement ini?? Since we were born into this world to live*a meaningful life* and to die*bab nie aku xlayak nak bersyarah sbb aku pon terkontang kanting.*. But, if umi die before me the only phase i can think now is LOST.  Ahhh...just thinking about it make my eyes teary!T_T

So, to all sons and daughters out there, appreciate ur mom. She's the only kind in the world. She's never can be replace. Of course some of u *or most* sudah berkeluarga or sibuk dengan rutin harian. But it's never hurt u to called ur mom once in week or twice a month or even once in a month, just to say how much u love her.she never can heard u say how much u love her once she die.So go and call ur mom now!!^_^

The only things i'm grateful now is, i live with my parents and i can always show them how much i love them!^_^. I might be married someday later, but i'll always hope, even i cant be with them macam sekarang, at least i will always make her feel appreciated. Same goes to Baba..:)

So back to my current situation, aku tengah keringkan rambut dengan kipas sambil menaip entry nie. I had so many things to do after lunch hour jap lagi. I had my brunch, Ice Milo and 5pcs chicken nuggets. So here is To Do List for today, ade yang da buat ade yang belom.

1. Req Modem for SI Team
2. Checking PO for E-invoicing
3. Checking Payment For SI 
4. Brunch for my sister
5. Brunch for my kittens
6. Dry the clothes *I washed them last night*
7. Cleaning Umi's living room and kitchen
8. Tidy my untidy-messy room
9. Submit claim @ TM office
10. Take my brother driving licence
11. Yang nie paling aku malas sekali buat, cari kedai utk tempah custom T-Shirt for staff..~_~

Updated : Semua settle on 22nd Sept! ^_^

Kalau nak list admin works aku kn buat..mmg berjela2..tapi ari nie settle yang ni dulu. Skunk da kol 13.45. Rambut pon ala2 nak kering tapi xkering lagi..huhuhu. I need to get ready now!!

Ah, satu lagi kn tambah dalam list : No 12. Meet with my BFF, Pn Tot!Kekeke~~mahu amik kuih raye. I so want to hanging with her, tapi nampaknye mase xmengizinkan. Aku agak sibuk ptg nie, esok mahu ke ktn pule. Dan puan ini akan pulang semula ke Raub Khamis ni. Aihhh...wok, bile la de mase muleh sembang panjang2!Mish u la!^_^


Sunday, 18 September 2011


4 days since umi xdek uma. i'm drained. T_T

Aku baru kol umi, suh die lik awal. xlarat wooo take Ma'de sorang2. 3ari oke lagi..masuk 4 ari..jem! Kalau Ma'de boleh uruskan diri sendiri..mmg xdek hal umi balik kg lame pun. Nie pepagi lagi aku da dapat adiah. aihhhh....bkn sng wo mahu jage family. umi balik cepat!kekekeke~~~

Oke lah gtg for now..banyak lagi kj nak kn bt nih. Update ni pon gn phone. Malas nak buke lappy apatah lagi PC. hehehe~~

Nice weekend all!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Determination to be a different person. O_o

Weeee... Statement yang berkobar! Wakakaka!
- - - - - - - - - - - tetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Engaged for 3 hours!

Responded to emails * work related* . And do some mommy duties. I am single with no BF, but i have to take care of a baby-like sister. She's 21 this year.  It's been 6 years since my sis sicked. She was normal since born until she 15 years old. Her name is Halimatun. We called her Atun / De / Ma'de.
Nak cite details, it's gonna be too longgg! So dipendekkan cite, my sis is OKU *related to mental illness handicap* Sometime she will take care of herself, head to toe. And sometimes me/my mum/ my younger sis have to take care of her. Practically, we have to take care of her like 3 years old kid or maybe younger.
She had many kind of mood, and now the hardest one. Ma'de xmahu uruskan diri, dari mandi sampai la membuang hajat besar. She do it all on her bed like a baby. It's been more than 2 months since die mcm ni, she never behave like this before *since she sicked*. 
Usually my duties are clean her up, wangikan2 kan dia, pakaikan baju and umi akan tukar tilam, cadar, bantal, selimut,and clean up her room. BUT, ari nie pagi2 lagi umi da siap2 gerak balik Kelantan wif my untie.
Biasenye my lil sis , anun akan balik rumah *from Uitm Jengka* to help me take care of her. But i dont know, die ade outing tak this week *tomorrow is public holiday, due to Cuti 1 Malaysai*. She might busy preparing for her final exam and aku pon x kol.
Less than 2 hours umi xdek uma. Aku pegi jenguk Ma'de kat bilik die, die baru bangun tido and... Ma'de is "heavy wetting" on her bed!!. So i had to take care of her from clean her up, clean her room and bed, washing the 'infected' clothes. It's take me more than 2 hours finished it. It's my 2nd time do it by myself. but before i oonly had to do for merely 2 days. But umi will only be home on Tuesday, which is next week!!~_~!
Skunk da pun past 12.00 o'clock. And i got to go now, since i had to cooked for lunch. Nak masak ape pun xtau. Nasib bek Ma'de lbaru je bekpes dalam kol 11 lebih. So i have more time to cooked.
Or..............should i just tapau kat Saniah? muahahaha! :p
And only prepare for dinner since my dad and brother will be home after the sunset!Weeee...^_^! Brilliant idea! Wakakaka!
So luahan perasaan berkaitan dengan tajuk post akan disambung kemudian. Since umi xdek uma, it's a given, my routine will drastically change. Since i can't make Ma'de starving, i have to make sure she stay cleaned, i have to cooked for my hardworking heroes and i had to do their laundry too, and i have to take care of my 2 lil kitten and a cat too!>_<. It's gonna be a long day!:)


Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Hectic day! Ari nie aku cb nak tukar life routine. Biasenye aktiviti aku most of the day, If xdek meeting or any prior date, ini lah die

As 12.08.2011

6.30   - 14.00 > TidO -_-.
14.00 - 17.00 > Tercongok dpn PC / Lappy/ SGS II
17.00 - 21.00 > Go to umi's house mandi, membuang sise kumbahan, melantak dan bergosip.
21.00 - 6.30   > Buat keje Opiz / Lepaking @ Viki / KoreanEntertaimentBlog / BooSaysSharingIsCaring  / KShowNow / Dramacrazy / Dramabeans / AllKpop / Sompi *Nie site yang aku visit everday!

6.30 - Repeat the same routine

Comment : Wake up, and get a life!Wakakaka!

Yesterday 13.08.2011

6.30   - 14.00  > TidO -_-.
14.00 - 17.00  > Tercongok dpn PC / Lappy/ SGS II
17.00 - 21.00  > Go to umi's house mandi, membuang sise kumbahan, melantak dan bergosip.
21.00 -   2.30  > Buat keje Opiz / Lepaking @ Viki / KoreanEntertaimentBlog / BooSaysSharingIsCaring / KShowNow / Dramacrazy / Dramabeans / AllKpop / Sompi *Nie site yang aku visit everday!
2.30  -    6.30  > Sleep! Finally i slept  before sunrise!

So ari ni, intend to change the routine bit by bit. 14.06.2011

6.30   -   9.00  > Wake up Resume working [Prepare docs for claims, that is one of my main job]
9.00   - 11.00  > Bekpes n watching 1n2d EP 217
11.00 - 15.00  > Resume working
15.00 - 16.00  > Submit the Docs to TM
16.00 - 17.00  > Lunch With umi @ Pizza Hut
17.30 - 18.00  > Wandering @ Dstore looking for some snack!Kekeke~~
18.30 - 20.15  > Tercongok depan PC and sedang typing post nih!LOL!

So harapnye aku dapat teruskan routine yang normal. Dari 4 ari nie da jadi 7 aktiviti yang aku buat. And i should add some exercises on my schedule *that will be the hard part!ROFL!:P

GTG for now. Mahu mandi. Mahu tdo b4 Midnite! * Hopefully!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Withdrawal ~ Scent Of A Woman

The title a bit~~? Kekeke~~It's K-Drama title! ^_^..Aku baru je abez tengok semalam. This drama ended on 11.09.2011 @ Seoul. The 2 last episodes, habez la sekotak tisu! Sungguh beremosi aku tgk ending ct nih. pinkycatemoticon

But it's not worst as i thought. So if u want to know what is this drama about, click here for full synopsis and character description.

Ah, if u not a QC [Qualified Contributor] on Viki, don't bother to ask them why u cant watch the video or why it's not available in ur region [include Malaysia]. It's because of licence and copyright issue. Unless u had the QC status [like me] then u can watch it for free. It's the fastes website that provide u the current airing drama in Seoul with English subs

Nak tau macam mane nak dapat status ni? U can ask me or go figure out urself!^_^. So back to the story, click the link above for full details. And click this for watching the drama online >>>
Dramacrazy >>> My Soju >>> Jacinda1st . There were a lot more site that u can watch or DL this drama but this is the site that i frequently visits other than Viki.

Here some video from the drama!


Credit :  92AyachanMVx @ YTube

Ah, they really make me want to learn tango!^_~

Credit :  angiesfavdramas@ YTube

Girls! This is a must watch drama!^___^

Monday, 12 September 2011

TidO yang melampau!

I felt nausea! Oh God.. i need change my life routine!!!Helpppp!

Kekeke~Itu adalah kenyataan orng yang tdo nye melampau. I'm a BAT. heheheh :p..Xtido malam tuh mmg da jadi kebiasaan aku dop kat uma nih. Tapi tdo bile matahari terbit bangun bile matahari da terbenam..tu 1st time! So akibantnye, aku keloyaan! rase nak blueeekkk jek!

Kemelampauan tidO ini menyebabkan umi datang tengok aku. Kata die, bile tengok lauk langsung xberusik, she wondered what was going on. Katenye lagi, "mule lah ter pk yg bukan2, bebuih mulut ke dop dlm bilik tuh?" Wakakakaka! Umi aku dan imaginary nye yang melampau! * Sebab aku nie ade asma, so die risau kalau aku nih terbungkam xckp oxegen!. ROLF!

So i need to take a shower and fill my empty stomach now!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Mood : Mahu Berblog.

Kekekeke~~Status blogger wannabe tuh! LOL! Aku nih, semangatnye bukan main. Nak lagi time ber blog-walking. Dengki dan jeles tgk blog orang yang shantek!**Korang mmg creatif.LOL!^_^
Mahu tiru dan buat seperti mereka xpandai pule. Kena rajin2 la menuntut ilmu dari yang pakar lepas ni. Tapi aku xdek la pasang niat nak menandingi sesiape, cume mahu mencari ruang untuk bercerite, jg meluahkan rase, tanpa menyusahkan sesiape.:)

So back to mood nak berblog, it's currently 01.28 in the Sunday morning, yet another day has pass. Aihhh..laju benor rasenye mase berlalu.

Dalam kepala nih, berbagai agenda yang disusun dan harus dilaksanakan. Pending claim yang xsiap lagi bt aku saket perut bile memikirnye! Awal2 xmo buat, lepas postpone, delay, lepas delay terus xbuat!Skunk salah sape? Aku jgk.T_T

Hajatnye nak buat kejap2 lagi. Tapi ati xdek mood nak buat. Mungkin esok je la!Hehehe~~

Erkkk...dah xtau nak type ape. Nampaknye berhenti disini dulu la coretan aku 'Si-blogger-geli- wannabe!Kakakakak~~:P

Goodnite stars!~_~



Tuesday, 2 August 2011

My New Blog

Here i am.

I will turn 27 years old soon. I  think maybe i should try write my story, make it black and white. I want to write about me and it's for me!^_^