Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Withdrawal ~ Scent Of A Woman

The title a bit~~? Kekeke~~It's K-Drama title! ^_^..Aku baru je abez tengok semalam. This drama ended on 11.09.2011 @ Seoul. The 2 last episodes, habez la sekotak tisu! Sungguh beremosi aku tgk ending ct nih. pinkycatemoticon

But it's not worst as i thought. So if u want to know what is this drama about, click here for full synopsis and character description.

Ah, if u not a QC [Qualified Contributor] on Viki, don't bother to ask them why u cant watch the video or why it's not available in ur region [include Malaysia]. It's because of licence and copyright issue. Unless u had the QC status [like me] then u can watch it for free. It's the fastes website that provide u the current airing drama in Seoul with English subs

Nak tau macam mane nak dapat status ni? U can ask me or go figure out urself!^_^. So back to the story, click the link above for full details. And click this for watching the drama online >>>
Dramacrazy >>> My Soju >>> Jacinda1st . There were a lot more site that u can watch or DL this drama but this is the site that i frequently visits other than Viki.

Here some video from the drama!


Credit :  92AyachanMVx @ YTube

Ah, they really make me want to learn tango!^_~

Credit :  angiesfavdramas@ YTube

Girls! This is a must watch drama!^___^
